
Content Corrections/Errors

Please send an email with a description of the error and the url of the page on which it appears to: Kathryn Gleason at

Contribute a Garden Entry:

Please contact the area editor for the appropriate province.

Join the team!

This site will move into the future with a team of dedicated scholars who will continue to build the site to meet the needs of current scholarship. Please contact Kathryn Gleason if you would like to work on the digital humanities aspect of the project or would like to contribute in traditional analogue formats. We are also looking for individuals with advanced skills in Hugo and Github to assist with trouble shooting.

Support the Project

Although this website has been designed to function inexpensively using volunteers, we can do more with the project if we additional means to train and support students, young scholars, and technical experts. If you are interested in being a project collaborator or supporter, contact Kathryn Gleason. Donations may be made to a collaborating institution or to the Society for Garden Archaeology.