

Italia (Pleiades)


Pompeii (Pleiades)

Location Description

An ancient city of Campania destroyed by the volcanic eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in A.D. 79, Pompeii was named as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997.


Region I


Insula II



Peristyle garden with decorative elements.

Garden Description

This house was excavated in 1873. The entranceway led directly to the portico which enclosed the garden on the north and east. In the northwest corner of the portico a masonry aedicula lararium formed an arched niche on top of a solid podium. A low wall connected the columns and pillars of the portico. There was an entrance to the garden on the east side and a gutter along the east and north edges of the garden. A terracotta statuette of a seated old man holding a scroll in his right hand and wearing a short sleeved tunic (0.60 m high; Mus. Naz. Inv. No. 109 622; Ruesh no. 453) served as a fountain. This statue has been variously identified, but most likely was the Greek philosopher Antisthenes (ca. 445-360), a devoted follower of Socrates. A terracotta puteal was also found in the garden.


  • Boyce, G.K. 1937. Corpus of the Lararia of Pompeii, p. 22 (worldcat)
  • Curtius, L. 1994. Miszellen zur Geschichte des greichischen Porträts, RM, p. 38
  • Dwyer, E.J. 2010. Pompeii's living statues: ancient Roman lives stolen from death, p. 128 (worldcat)
  • Fiorelli, G. 1875. Descrizione di Pompei, p. 43 (worldcat)
  • GiornSc, n.s. (1874-77), cols. 46, 177-179 and plate 6
  • Ippel, A. 1939. Statuetten aus Pompeji. AA, pp. 367-368
  • Jashemski, W.F. 1979, Garden of Pompeii: Herculaneum and the villas destroyed by Vesuvius, pp. 48 (worldcat)
  • Jashemski, W.F. 1993, Gardens of Pompeii: Herculaneum and the villas destroyed by Vesuvius. Vol. II, Appendices, pp. 22-23 (worldcat)
  • Kapossy, B. 1969. Brunnenfiguren der hellenistischen und romischen Zeit, Zurich, p. 47 (worldcat)
  • Niccolini, F. Le case ed i monumenti di Pompeii, Naples, Vol. III, plate 12
  • Pernice, E. and Winter, F. 1925, Gefässe und Geräthe aus BronzeDie Hellenistische Kunst in Pompeii, 5, p. 34
  • Richter, G. 1960. Greek Portraits, pp. 33-34, fig. 133 (worldcat)
  • Richter, G. 1984. Portraits of the Greeks, p. 181 and fig. 1056 (worldcat)
  • Viola, L. 1879. Gli scavi di Pompei dal 1873 al 1878, pp. 12, 79 (worldcat)
  • Von Rohden, H. and Otto, L. 1880. Terracotten von Pompeji, pp. 21, 44-45 and plate 32 (worldcat)
  • Warscher, T. 1937-1957. Codex Topographicus Pompeianus (worldcat)

Pleiades ID




Excavation Dates

Excavated 1872.


Wilhelmina Jashemski (https://lib.guides.umd.edu/c.php?g=326514&p=2193250)

Publication date

21 Apr 2021