I.7.7 House of the Priest Amandus
Location Description
An ancient city of Campania destroyed by the volcanic eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in A.D. 79, Pompeii was named as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997.
- aedicules
- atriums (Roman halls)
- cisterns (plumbing components)
- columns (architectural elements)
- lararia
- peristyles (Roman courtyards)
- porticoes
- tables (support furniture)
- triclinia (rooms)
House of the Priest Amandus.
Garden Description
One step above the level of the triclinium of this small house with an irregular floor plan was a peristyle garden. It was to the west of the atrium and enclosed on the north and east by a portico. Five columns supported the portico and two engaged columns on the west wall continued the order of the peristyle. A large tree root cavity (the cast measures 0.80 x 0.82) indicated that the garden was well shaded and nail holes in the wall would suggest that vines had been trained to grow in that area. A large window located in the room to the west gave a view into the garden. A puteal was located over the cistern opening in the northwest corner of the peristyle and another puteal was additionally found in the garden as well as a cartibulum (tables) decorated on one side with lions heads and a small circular base most likely used for a statuette. A lararia on the west wall consisted of an aedicules façade with an arched niche.
Excavated 1912 and 1924.
- Boyce, G.K. 1937. Corpus of the Lararia of Pompeii, p. 25, no. 39.
- Jashemski, W.F. 1979. Garden of Pompeii: Herculaneum and the villas destroyed by Vesuvius, p. 30. (worldcat)
- Jashemski, W.F. 1993. Gardens of Pompeii: Herculaneum and the villas destroyed by Vesuvius. Volume 2, Appendices, pp. 37-38. (worldcat)
- Maiuri, A. 1939. NSc, pp. 26-27 and fig. 1 (plan) on p. 4.
- Maiuri, A. 1939. Pompeii, p. 112. (worldcat)
- Maiuri, A. 1961. “I giardini,” In Le Vie d’Italia, p. 1138, no. 9.
Pleiades ID
Wilhelmina Jashemski (https://lib.guides.umd.edu/c.php?g=326514&p=2193250)
Publication date
21 Apr 2021