

Italia (Pleiades)


Pompeii (Pleiades)

Location Description

An ancient city of Campania destroyed by the volcanic eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in A.D. 79, Pompeii was named as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997.


Region VIII


Insula VII


Garden Description

The extremely long entranceway from the street led all the way to the back of the house into the garden (a) which was excavated in 1906. A portico bordered the garden on the east with four columns, white on top and black on the bottom, connected with a low wall with an entrance on the north end. (Fig.27, 9.31.66) A masonry triclinium (l. medius, 4.60 m.; l. imus 4.96; l. summus 3.75 m.) was located in the northwest side of the garden with a rectangular table (2.00 x 1.45 m.) that had a semicircular indentation in the east end. The couches had been painted red and were faced with opus signinum and the table top was inlaid with a round piece of marble in the center and square pieces of marble all around. Close by on the north wall a small table with an arched niche below also had a top inlaid with marble. The lower part was decorated with painted plants on a red background. A shallow basin on the south side of the triclinium collected rain run-off from the sloping couches and directed it towards the mouth of the cistern at the southwest corner of the basin. There was a bottom half of a large dolium at this corner also. The north wall contained an arched lararium niche with traces of a lararium painting next to it. The root cavity of a very large tree was found near the portico by Spano, as well as various small cavities which could have been posts for a pergola over the triclinium or of small trees. The cavities were not emptied or measured. Like Mau, Spano reported that the area between the south wall of this house and the city wall was filled with soil to a considerable height. He supposed that the furrowed soil indicated the location of a kitchen garden.


Fig.23, Plan of Region VIII, Insula VII

Fig.23, Plan of Region VIII, Insula VII


Fig. 27, 9.31.66 (Stanley Jashemski, Jashemski Archives, University of Maryland)

Fig. 27, 9.31.66 (Stanley Jashemski, Jashemski Archives, University of Maryland)

Pleiades ID




Excavation Dates



  • Boyce, Corpus of the Lararia of Pompeii, Memoris of the American Academy in Rome (1937), p. 78, no. 376 (worldcat)
  • Fiorelli, Descrizione di Pompei, pp. 348-349 (worldcat)
  • Jashemski, Gardens, 1:187 (worldcat)
  • Jashemski, Gardens, vol. II, p. 220 (worldcat)
  • Matz, Bullettino dell'Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica (1875), pp. 164-165 (worldcat)
  • Mau, Bullettino dell'Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica (1875), pp. 164-165 (worldcat)
  • Niccolini, Le case ed i monumenti di Pompei designati e descritti, vol. 2, “Descr. gen,” p. 68 (worldcat)
  • Soprano, I triclini all'aperto di Pompei In Pompeiana, pp. 301-302, no. 16. (worldcat)
  • Spano, Notizie degli scavi di Antichita (1910), pp. 264-265 and fig. 5 (plan) on p. 263 (worldcat)
  • Viola, Gli scavi di Pompei dal 1873 al 1878. In Pompei e la regione sotterrara dal Vesuvio nell' anno LXXIX, p. 17 (where the address is given as VIII,viii.6.) (worldcat)


Wilhelmina Jashemski (

Publication date

21 Apr 2021