The large house was laid out around a large peristyle of 22 columns. In the axis of the triclinium was a rectangular pool. The courtyard may have been planted (Plan view, Fig. 1)....
This large house (2500m2) was laid out around two peristyles. The E peristyle had 12 columns onto which at least three rooms opened. The large peristyle on the W, was bordered by ...
This large domus the result of the combining of two houses, is located at the periphery of the center of the city. The domus is laid out around two peristyles. The first, near ...
Located SW of the Decumanus and NE of the forum, the house of the "Jardinières" almost square shaped, was laid out around a peristyle of 10 columns. Along the three porticoes and ...
This large house was laid out around two peristyles (A,B) arranged along the N S axis. The plan presents a complex layout notably in the southern part of the domus upon which the ...
The water sanctuary lies beneath the Byzantine fort in the Northern suburbs of the city. An inscription that was discovered during the Byzantine fort excavations enumerates the ...