Sublocations of Herculaneum:
12 gardens in Herculaneum have been published:
Italia / Herculaneum / Insula or I / House 2-3

562.Insula or. I.2-3(B)

B. From the atrium the peristyle on the lower level was reached by way of a steeply sloping corridor. Stuccoed brick columns and a low wall 0.50 m. high enclosed the central area ...
Italia / Herculaneum / Insula or I / House 2-3

563.Insula or. I.2-3(C)

C. There are five rooms south of the peristyle and on a lower level beyond them is another garden (c). Plans Plan of the new excavations of Herculaneum (Maiuri, Herculaneum) ...
Italia / Herculaneum / Insula or I / House 2-3

564.Insula or. I.2-3(D)

D. A rustic shrine was attached to the north side of the house and a long narrow garden (d) was located here. There was evidence of earlier construction at this location. Plans ...
Italia / Herculaneum / Insula VI / House 17

Casa del Colonnato Tuscanico (VI.17/26)

This house with an L-shaped floor plan had a peristyle garden (a) at the juncture of the two wings enclosed by a seventeen column portico. The garden entrance facing the large ...
Italia / Herculaneum / Insula or I / House 2-3

Casa del Rivievo di Telefo (Insula or. I.2-3)

A. The excavation of this house in 1934-1936 revealed an unusual atrium arrangement, which Maiuri states is the first time the architectural scheme that is used in a peristyle ...
Italia / Herculaneum / Insula VI / House 13

Casa del Salone Nero (VI.13/11)

Excavation of this garden (a) to the rear of this elegant house took place in the spring of 1939. The garden was completely surround by a portico which had eight columns and two ...
Italia / Herculaneum / Insula or I / House 1

Casa della Gemma (Insula or. I.1)

A. This garden (a) is built partially into the edge of the hill and partially on vaults. A square opening enclosed by a high wall in the center of the garden supplies light to ...
Italia / Herculaneum / Insula VII

Casa di Galba (VII.2)

The excavation of this site was begun in 1873-1874 and is still incomplete. A silver bust, supposedly of the emperor Galba, found in the street in front of this house gave the ...
Italia / Herculaneum / Insula or II

Great Palestra (Insula or. II.4)

The Palaestra was crossed by Burbon tunnels in 1756-1760 and partially excavated from 1933 to 1954. Carbonized remains of large tree trunks found in the southwest corner and ...
Italia / Herculaneum / Insula or I / House 1

Insula or. I.1

B. The front of this house has an L-shaped terrace (b) which provided a passageway between the kitchen and the triclinium that opened onto the long loggia (c) with a spectacular ...
Italia / Herculaneum / Insula or II

Insula or. II

Directly south of the Great Palaestra there is a peristyle garden (a) enclosed by a portico. A pool with a low wall surrounding it is located in the center of this garden. Plans ...
Italia / Herculaneum / Sacred Area

Sacred Area Outside the South Walls

The southern edge of town was against a sharp drop to the sea. A terrace located on this drop held two shrines (a) and (b) and a series of rooms for cult activities. All of these ...