This building, located to the NW of the Winter Baths, was comprised of three articulated sectors, the SE area, the NW area, and the area to the N of the NW area.
The SE area was ...
A strip of soil bordered most of the long sides of the temple and the mosaic paving in front of it (Plan view, Fig. 1). Preliminary excavations in 1990 in a strip 1m wide at the ...
This house, the largest in insula III (lots 2,3,4,9,10), rivals the House of the Cascade in size and richness of mosaics (Plan view, Fig.1). A semicircular basin extended into ...
This large house, occupying most of an insula (excavated in l925), dates in its present form from the early fifth century. The SW part of the house was devoted to business, the ...
The house was laid out around a peristyle garden (IV-VIII), with four porticos supported by twelve columns. A low wall separated the porticos from the garden (Plan view, Fig. 1). ...
The house is adjacent to the E angle of the Forum at the back of the Curia.
It was laid out around a peristyle garden (VI-X) of 12 columns (Plan view, Fig. 1). A low wall ...
The house is laid out around a square shaped peristyle garden. Between the columns runs a low wall (0.30m) that separates the porticoes from the garden. There was a semicircular ...
This house, the largest in the insula II (lots 2,3,8,9,10), was given its present form in the second century. A large peristyle with elaborate viridarium dominated the S part of ...
The vast house (3000-3500 m2) is laid out around a large peristyle garden (Plan view, Fig.1). The large sunken garden (X, 16 x 16.25 m) was enclosed by a low wall (0.70 m high) ...
The house was located in the insula III. The rectangular courtyard, in the SW corner on the axis of the great hall (XI), paved during the last period may have been a garden ...
This house is the most important dwelling discovered to date at Utica. The large peristyle garden (XXVII), enclosed by a portico on four sides (XXVIII-XXX) had a long basin ...
The house was laid out around a large persityle garden of twenty-two columns (20 x15.5 m) that had a euripus and a semicircular basin facing a large reception room (Plan view, ...
The house of the Palms was located to the NW of the forum. A semicircular basin was installed at a later date over the mosaic in the NW portico at the edge of what was perhaps a ...
This large house (1800 m2) adjacent to the domus of Sollertiana on the N had a large peristyle garden (XIII, 10.50 x 13.20 m) enclosed on four sides by a portico (XIV-XVII) of 18 ...
This very large house on the western edge of the site had two sectors, the Trifolium area and the Protomes area (Plan view, Fig. 1).
The Trifolium sector, was laid out around a ...
The House is located in the insula II (Lots 1,7). The peristyle garden had a semicircular basin extending from the two middle columns on the S side, facing the triclinium (XVII) ...
This house is the largest excavated to-date at Thugga. It appears to date from the first half of the 3rd century. The rooms on the ground floor were arranged around a large court,...
The house of the Trussed Animals is bordered on the E by the Baths of the Capitole. The house was laid out around a peristyle (V-VIII) (9x1.70 to1.80m) that enclosed a garden (IV)...
The house was located in the W neighborhood of the ancient city of Pupput and in present day lies in the precinct of a hotel, the construction of which badly damaged the house (Pl...
The peristyle garden (V) has a rectangular basin with curved angles extending from two middle columns on the W side, facing the triclinium (XI) (Plan view, Fig.1). The house is ...
This house located E of the House of the Dolphins, has a small sunken peristyle garden (VI, 6.35 x 7 m) 60 cm lower than the level of the portico and bordered by a low wall (Plan ...
Sanctuary B, the templa Concordiae (117-138 CE), is a monument from the time of Hadrian dedicated to several deities, four of whom are known from the texts: Concordia, Frugifer, ...
This large house (1120 m2) at the periphery of the SW quarter was laid out around a peristyle garden (VII, 8.20x11.30 m) enclosed on four sides by a portico of 14 columns that ...
Only the central passage (III) way leading to the temple (IV) was paved. The rest of the courtyard (II), which was enclosed by a portico (I), was probably planted as in temple E (...
The marble causeway leading to the temple was bordered on each side with soil that was probably planted as in temple E (Plan view, Fig. 1).
Maps Plans Fig. 1: Plan of the Temple ...
The anonymous sanctuary, called Dar Lachheb (184-187 CE), located about fifty meters below the forum, is of African type. In line with the entrance to the complex, a large cella ...
The sanctuary of Caelestis, installed on the north-western outskirts of the city, was built on a sizeable plot of land allocated to it by its commissioner during the reign of ...
The sanctuary of Minerva 2, (138-161 CE), built later than the templa Concordiae, presents a very different configuration. The cella, projecting outwards from the courtyard lined ...
The sanctuary of the Victories of Caracalla, situated in the southwest of the forum, was built in a residential area in 214 CE on a particularly cramped and steep site (figure 12)...
At the rear of the theater is a xystis known from the dedication inscription (CIL VIII 26606, 26608) (Plan view, Fig.1). The word xystis probably corresponds to the portico and ...