36 gardens in Region I have been published:
Italia / Pompeii / Region I


This humble house was excavated in 1873. It had no garden but the impluvium was surrounded by a low masonry wall. The top contained a planting bed which served as a small garden. ...
Italia / Pompeii / Region I


This house was excavated in 1873. The entranceway led directly to the portico which enclosed the garden on the north and east. In the northwest corner of the portico a masonry ...
Italia / Pompeii / Region I


A. At the rear of the house was a very small garden entered from the tablinum. Excavated in 1872, much of the garden was occupied by two small raised pools, according to Mau. ...
Italia / Pompeii / Region I

I.2.20 Caupona of Innulus

This small caupona had a garden at the rear with a roofed passageway on the east and the south. It was excavated in 1873 and a masonry biclinium (l. medius, 2.65m.; l. imus 2.94 ...
Italia / Pompeii / Region I


This caupona was excavated in 1873 but the reports offer insufficient details to determine if the open area had been planted. The room was entered directly from the street and ...
Italia / Pompeii / Region I

I.2.24 Officina Libraria

The garden east of the atrium had a portico extending along the south and part of the west sides. A low wall (0.52m high) connected the columns and an entrance to the garden was ...
Italia / Pompeii / Region I


The small viridarium at the rear of the house had narrow, slightly raised beds along the walls on the north and east side. These beds were for the cultivation of flowers, ...
Italia / Pompeii / Region I


The west portico of the small peristyle garden at the rear of the house was entered through two doors directly from the atrium. The garden was enclosed on four sides by a portico ...
Italia / Pompeii / Region I


At the rear of this house there was a garden with a passageway on the north and the west. The garden had a gutter along the east, north, and west edges. Embedded in the garden ...
Italia / Pompeii / Region I

I.3.23 House of Actius Anicetus

This site was excavated in 1868 revealing a peristyle garden at the rear of the house. A portico on the east and north side was supported by five columns connected by a low wall. ...
Italia / Pompeii / Region I

I.3.24 House of Capella

At the rear of the house, excavated in 1868, there was a peristyle garden with a portico supported by three brick columns on the east and north sides. The south wall had a ...
Italia / Pompeii / Region I


A. This house had an irregular plan and a small peristyle garden enclosed on three sides by a low masonry wall. The wall was topped by four stuccoed brick columns which supported ...
Italia / Pompeii / Region I

I.3.3 House of Epidius Fortunatus

A. On the right of the tablinum were ten steps that led to the peristyle garden. A portico enclosed the garden on the west, north and east sides. This was supported by ten ...
Italia / Pompeii / Region I


This small house, excavated in 1872, had no atrium and the peristyle garden was to the right of the north end of the entrance passageway. A portico enclosed the garden on the ...
Italia / Pompeii / Region I

I.4.11 Caupona of Copious

This modest caupona had a garden at the rear that was raised one step higher than the rest of the building. It once had a masonry altar with a lararium painting above but both of ...
Italia / Pompeii / Region I


This peristyle garden had two entrances on the west and the south. It was located at the rear of the tablinum and had a portico on the west and south enclosed by a low wall and ...
Italia / Pompeii / Region I


Directly to the rear of the atrium, a small viridarium with a paved space (1.70 x 2.50m) behind it suggested use as a summer triclinium to Fiorelli. Soprano was certain that ...
Italia / Pompeii / Region I

I.4.5/25 House of the Citharist

A. Excavation took place at this large house intermittently form 1853 to 1869. There were three large parallel, adjacent gardens. A portico, supported by seventeen stuccoed ...
Italia / Pompeii / Region I


This garden contains a cistern opening and form the entrance a viridarium at the rear of the tablinum and a niche lararium are clearly visible. Bibliography Boyce, G.K. 1937. ...
Italia / Pompeii / Region I

I.5.2 Officina Coriarioum of M. Vesonius Primus

A. This tannery was excavated in 1873-1874. The peristyle courtyard had a portico to the north and east supported by brick pillars which had been most likely been built when the ...
Italia / Pompeii / Region I


This site had been destroyed in antiquity and probably had been a hospitium. Excavated in 1874, the remains of a watering trough for animals and a stable were uncovered. Often ...
Italia / Pompeii / Region I

I.6.13 House of Stallus Eros

At the rear of this house a masonry wall surrounded the small garden which was undergoing extensive repairs at the time of the eruption. A lararium niche was located on the east ...
Italia / Pompeii / Region I

I.6.7 Fullonica of Stephanus

This house had been converted to a fullery and the small peristyle garden to the rear probably served as a drying area. Five pillars of the portico were connected by a low, ...
Italia / Pompeii / Region I


This modest house had rooms opening off the small peristyle garden at the rear of the structure. The rooms had been remodeled to serve as a shop and at the time of the eruption, ...
Italia / Pompeii / Region I

I.7.15-17 Shop-House

The shop-house was laid out in a very irregular manner and the garden took up most of the space. There was a masonry triclinium in the southern part of the garden. This had a ...
Italia / Pompeii / Region I

I.7.18 Shop-House

Two paintings were found on the west wall of the atrium behind this shop, one was of a porticus villa on the sea and the second was a garden representation (o.16 x 0.43 m.). The ...
Italia / Pompeii / Region I

I.7.7 House of the Priest Amandus

One step above the level of the triclinium of this small house with an irregular floor plan was a peristyle garden. It was to the west of the atrium and enclosed on the north and ...