
Garden Houses (Case a Giardino)

The area in which these houses are situated was laid out as a residential area in c. 128 CE as part of the Hadrianic remodeling of Ostia (Fig. 1). It is delimited by buildings of various depths, due to the irregularity of the available space. The ce...

Great Palestra (Insula or. II.4)

The Palaestra was crossed by Burbon tunnels in 1756-1760 and partially excavated from 1933 to 1954. Carbonized remains of large tree trunks found in the southwest corner and along the north side against the portico where they were swept by the volca...

House of Bacchus and Ariadne (Maison de Bacchus et Ariane)

This large house, occupying most of an insula (excavated in l925), dates in its present form from the early fifth century. The SW part of the house was devoted to business, the production of olive oil. The rooms on the NE side of the residence area ...

House of the Cascade (Maison de la Cascade)

This house, the largest in the insula II (lots 2,3,8,9,10), was given its present form in the second century. A large peristyle with elaborate viridarium dominated the S part of the house (Plan view, Fig.1). The large shallow pool in the center of t...

House on Via del Tempio Rotondo

This house was only partially excavated between June 1972 and January 1973 (Fig. 1). In its Augustan phase the peristyle garden (a) was adorned with a large central basin paved in opus signinum. At the center of the basin was a brick support, interp...


This house was excavated in 1873. The entranceway led directly to the portico which enclosed the garden on the north and east. In the northwest corner of the portico a masonry aedicula lararium formed an arched niche on top of a solid podium. A low ...

I.4.5/25 House of the Citharist

A. Excavation took place at this large house intermittently form 1853 to 1869. There were three large parallel, adjacent gardens. A portico, supported by seventeen stuccoed columns made of brick and Sarno limestone, enclosed the center garden. The c...

I.7.1 House of P. Paquius Proculus; House of C. Cuspius Pansa

This elegant house was excavated in 1923. To the rear was a large and sunny peristyl garden with a portico on four sides supported by sixteen columns. At the northeast corner stood a lava puteal with a gutter that ran around the edges of the garden....

II.ii.2 (House of D. Octavius Quartio)

A. The spacious Tuscan atrium of this luxurious house excavated in 1918-1921 was a lavish garden. A low, double masonry wall, faced with marble on the outside, bordered the impluvium and according to Spinazzola, the space between the walls had been ...

The Severan Complex

The most visible remains from this period are a massive series of substructure arcades along the slope of the Palatine overlooking the Circus Maximus. It had been considered that this area was a thermae, a bath complex, from the time of Septimius Se...