
I.7.1 House of P. Paquius Proculus; House of C. Cuspius Pansa

This elegant house was excavated in 1923. To the rear was a large and sunny peristyl garden with a portico on four sides supported by sixteen columns. At the northeast corner stood a lava puteal with a gutter that ran around the edges of the garden....

I.7.18 Shop-House

Two paintings were found on the west wall of the atrium behind this shop, one was of a porticus villa on the sea and the second was a garden representation (o.16 x 0.43 m.). The garden was surrounded by a lattice fence which was drawn wider in the f...

Library of Hadrian

The most monumental building dedicated to education and intellectual pursuits in Athens was the so-called Library of Hadrian (Fig. 1). It consisted of four columned halls with exedrae at regular intervals on the north and south sides, and a library ...

Urban Houses Near the Areopagus

Several Roman houses in Athens make use of the remains of Classical and Hellenistic buildings, and, as far as we can tell, these houses generally had courtyards paved with marble chips, pebbles or tile set in mortar, rather than with gardens. One ho...